
You can find our template’s router configuration in src/router/index.js. This folder contains all routes of our template.

There’s nothing special in src/router/index.js file, just ignore router.beforeEach for now we will explore it in ACL section. Still if there’s something which is new to you, make sure you read vue-router.

Route Meta

Our routes just isn’t simple routes. Their meta is also required to render proper page. Let’s find out each of them:

  • navActiveLink: Navigation link to active in navigation menu. Useful if you have dynamic param and want to only set single item for it in navigation menu. e.g. Email App.
  • resource: CASL’s subject value for route protection. You can read more about it in Access Control page.
  • action: CASL’s action value for route protection. You can read more about it in Access Control page.

Route Protection (ACL)

You will learn how to add route protection for particular route in Access Control page.